Meet Dr. Janie PhD
Expert, Advocate and Researcher
on Sex and Aging
About Dr. Janie
Janie Steckenrider is an expert, researcher, writer and speaker on issues of sex and aging. With a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California specializing in Gerontology (the study of aging), Dr. Janie's mission is advocating sex is exciting and fun at any age. Dr. Janie breaks down taboos and encourages open discussions about aging and sexuality. Her recent article "Sexual Activity of Older Adults: Let's Talk About It," was the most downloaded article published in the Lancet Healthy Longevity in 2023 and her interview on Medscape "Not Your Grandparents' Sexual Activity" was the most read WebMd article in 2022. Her expertise on all things sex and aging is widely regarded and respected in both academics and the media at large. She has been quoted in People, Washington Post, WebMD, The Hill, and USA Today, among other popular publications.
Dr. Janie has an extensive background in issues related to the health and well-being of seniors. She conducted the first opinion poll on the public's knowledge and concern of Alzheimer's disease more than 40 years ago. Additionally, she was a community speaker for the Alzheimer's Association of Los Angeles. Dr. Janie served on the Board of Directors of a Skilled Nursing Facility, the Board of Directors of a hospital and on the Arcadia Senior Citizens Commission. In addition to her book New Directions in Old Age Policies, her articles have been published in Generations, Southwest Journal on Aging, Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, and the American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Research.
She is a university professor and teaches academic courses on aging and related topics. Dr. Janie's recent speaking engagements include Aging and Sexuality: Conflicting Definitions at the World Conference on Aging and Rejuvenation in Frankfurt, Germany, Sexual Activity of Older Adults: We're Asking the Wrong Questions at the Gerontological Society of America conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Dementia and Alzheimer's Dementia and the Presidency: New Challenges in an Aging Society at the American Political Science Association conference in Washington, D.C.
Academic Publications
Sexual Activity of Older Adults: Let’s Talk About It. Lancet Healthy Longevity. 4(3):e96. 2023.
Women as Political Leaders: Studies in Gender and Governing (with Michael Genovese). Routledge. 2013.
A Matter of Life and Death: An Update on Physician Assisted Suicide in Oregon (with Nina Clark). Southwest Journal on Aging, 18. 2002.
Long Term Care: A Woman’s World. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 22(4):452-471. 2000.
New Directions in Old Age Policies (with Tonya Parrott). SUNY Press, Albany, NY. 1998.
Political Attitudes and Behavior of the Elderly. In Encyclopedia of Aging, edited by James Birren. Academic Press. 1996.
The Senior Citizen Lobby. In Handbook on Political Science Literature and Research on Interest Groups, edited by Clive Thomas. Greenwood Press. 1997.
Family Welfare: Whose Responsibility is It? Policy Studies Journal, 23(3):555-559. 1996.
Rationing of Health Care: An Aging Perspective. Southwest Journal on Aging, 1(2). 1995.
Alzheimer’s Association. In Craig Ramsey (ed.) U.S. Health Policy Groups: Institutional Profiles. Greenwood Press. 1995.
Dementia and Aging: Ethics, Values, and Policy Choices. Politics and the Life Sciences. February 1994.
What People Know about Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study of Public Knowledge. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Care and Research, January/February 1993.
Aging and Adult Political Socialization: The Importance of Roles and Role Transitions (with Neal E. Cutler). In Roberta Sigel (ed.), Political Learning in Adulthood: A Sourcebook of Theory and Research. The University of Chicago Press. 1989.
Age Consciousness and Politics in America (with Neal E. Cutler). Business Institute on Aging Newsletter, Andrus Gerontology Center, University of Southern California. July 1988.
How Golden is the Future? (with Neal E. Cutler and Robert C. Pierce). Generations, Volume 9. Fall 1984.
Selected Speaking Engagements
Aging and Sexuality: Conflicting Definitions.
5th World Aging and Rejuvenation Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, July 2023.
Sexual Activity of Older Adults: We’re Asking the Wrong Questions.
Gerontological Society of America Meeting, Indianapolis, November 2022.
Alzheimer’s Dementia and the Presidency: New Challenges in an Aging Society.
American Political Science Association Meeting, August 2019.
What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: Continued Public Misunderstanding and Concern about Alzheimer’s Disease 1985 to 1998 (with Neal Cutler).
Gerontological Society of America Meeting, Chicago, November 2001.
Aging as a Female Phenomenon: The Plight of Older Women.
American Political Science Association Meeting, San Francisco, September 1996.
Rationing of Health Care: An Aging Perspective.
American Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, September 1995.
Consumer Sentiment: A Generational Approach.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 1992.
What Do People Know About Alzheimer’s Disease: A Study of Public Knowledge.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 1992.
Drug Information and the Elderly.
American Society on Aging Meeting, November 1991.
Agenda Building on Health Issues: A Focus on Alzheimer’s Disease.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., September 1991.
Medicine Self-Care and the Independent Elderly: Pharmaceutical Consultation as a Community Social Service.
American Society on Aging Meeting, San Francisco, April 1990.